DAYONE LIFESTYLE: Audio Gumbo 3|18|15 Photo Recap @123pleasant @Day1Lifestyle


Last week at 123 Pleasant St, us (I Love Morgantown), Power 909 Radio, and DJ Dollar sponsored a event called Audio Gumbo, a night of different acts of different genres. The acts included Chris Allen, Fuck Your Birthday, Woody Pond, All Else Fails, QUIE, and Tyler Grady. Morgantown Blog DAYONE LIFESTYLE caught some great photos of the event, you can check them out here at the following link.

A Night Out with Friends Pt 2: Morgan’s Diner @DinerWV

Every month or so, me and my ex-coworkers from the National Research Center for Coal & Energy, Paul Crumrine, Tracy Novak and her husband Mark, get together for lunch or dinner and enjoy good food and each other’s company. Last night, we decided to try the new downtown Morgantown restaurant Morgan’s Diner, and it was really good!